Career Guidance Center

One of the main duties of the Career Guidance Center is to create a career consciousness in the minds of the students by introducing them to the business life. In addition, Career Guidance Center aims to provide the students with the opportunity to plan their future during their education.

Each year in spring semester, "Career Days" are organized and these events help the students to know the business life and create a direct communication opportunity between the students and institutions in either private sector or public sector. Additionally,the participating institutions also have the chance to reach employees qualified for their field of work.

Thanks to the Career Days, the students know the institutions themselves and they are able to decide in which sector, institution, or profession they will use their theoretical knowledge given in the courses. Besides, the speakers in the Personal Development Seminars share their experiences in business life with the students and enable them to know the business life better. Again, the Human Resources Managers of the sectors tell the recruitment processes of the institutions and they provide job interview experience for the students in order for them to be successful in the first and most exciting step of the recruitment process.

16 PF Personal Inventory, which is used in many distinctive national and international companies in recruitment and career planning processes is applied to each student who applies. The students who take this test will learn their social skills and strong and weak sides with the help of the report they will have. Besides, they can take consultancy from “Career Guidance Center” employees about interpreting this test, determining career goals and making career planning.


İlker DEMİRAL     
Career Centre Specialist
Phone:+90 232 488 81 89


Aleyna KERTİ  
Career Centre Specialist
Phone:+90 232 488 84 27


Career Centre Specialist
Phone:+90 232 488 84 19