Erasmus Policy Statement

I. a) Please describe briefly your institution’s strategy, objectives and priorities for its Erasmus activities (mobility, multilateral projects and thematic networks, etc) and any other actions in the context of Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-2013):

The Mission of Izmir University of Economics (IUE) is to educate and equip qualified students with leadership attributes, entrepreneurial capabilities, critical thinking skills and the ability to contribute valuable research in a variety of sciences. The Vision of IUE is to become a preeminent institution of higher learning at the forefront of education on a universal level and to pioneer valuable research in a variety of disciplines. IUE places great emphasis on international cooperation and has formed relations with universities abroad for student and faculty exchange, joint research and scientific studies. IUE gives its students the opportunity to study at partner universities and welcomes incoming students to increase the diversity and contribute to the cohesion of different cultures and values. IUE received its first Erasmus Charter in 2004, currently has 13 Erasmus partners, an exchange capacity of 70 students, 10 staff members and aims to increase the number of Erasmus partnerships in the Lifelong Learning Program. IUE participates in an Intensive Erasmus Program, implements two dual degree programs with the State University of New York and several Protocols to facilitate student and faculty exchange and project development. The list of partnerships can be found at Adhering to the promotion of the European dimension in higher education, particularly with regards to curricular development, inter-institutional cooperation, mobility schemes and integrated programs, training and research, IUE closely pursues all components of the Bologna Process to contribute to the enhancement of the European Higher Education Area. IUE is a member of European Universities Association, Community of Mediterranean Universities and accredited by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK) and has a commission for Quality Assurance.

I. b) Please also provide information on the following points:
What specific actions are planned to give visibility to Erasmus activities and what type of publicity will be given to the Erasmus University Charter and the EPS?
What kind of arrangements, if any, does the Institution ensure to comply with non-discrimination objectives (e.g. actions related to gender equality, integration of disabled students and staff, enhancement of social and economic cohesion and combating of xenophobia and racism)?

IUE abides by the principles of recognition, visibility and transparency in Erasmus activities. Bilateral Agreements are publicized in the relevant department and website, announcements on selection procedures are posted on the website, announcement boards and students receive detailed information about Erasmus activities during orientation. The first Erasmus Charter was highly publicized, put on display, mentioned on the website and during orientation. The new Charter will receive equal publicity and extra efforts will be made to provide information on LLP. IUE is a highly international university with foreign faculty members and rising interest from international students. Successful students lacking sufficient financial means receive scholarships. Buildings and facilities are designed to allow ease of use for physically disabled people. IUE respects gender equality in interactions with students and employment of academic (42%M,58%F) and administrative (40%M,60%F) personnel. This cohesive learning environment ensures that there is no room for xenophobia, racism or discrimination.

II. Quality of academic mobility activities:

What kind of specific measures are implemented in the institution to ensure high quality in academic mobility activities?
Details should be provided on recognition and credit systems, the provision of information on curricula, information and counseling of outgoing students, tutoring and integration of incoming students, provision of student services (in particular accommodation), preparatory and refresher language courses, support and acknowledgment of staff mobility.

Learning agreements of incoming and outgoing students are devised meticulously. Outgoing Erasmus students select their courses with the advising and approval of their Erasmus coordinators and department heads. To affirm recognition, IUE has developed an equivalency chart for outgoing students consisting of the courses taken at the partner university, ECTS credits and their equivalency at IUE. All ECTS credits taken at partner universities are recognized. Incoming Erasmus students also receive guidance and counseling before their arrival: they are assisted by the Office of International Affairs (OIA) regarding application, arrival and accommodation procedures. The International Office assists incoming students in choosing courses from the ECTS Guide and encourages them to consult their academic advisors in their home university. Upon receipt of applications, rooms are booked for incoming students at the dormitory or the International Office assists students to find suitable housing. Incoming Erasmus students are assigned an academic advisor at IUE and given access to the student information system, a student card, an e-mail address and Transcript of Records at the end of the term. Student Council members and former Erasmus students support the OIA in welcoming incoming students, providing orientation services and Student Clubs organize special events such as conducting interviews with them for the university radio or local television channels. Staff exchanges are organized in cooperation with the partner university’s international office and the relative department, considering teaching and research interests of instructors. IUE is an English medium university where a second foreign language is compulsory. Exchange students and staff can benefit from foreign language courses and take French, German, Italian, Russian, Japanese Spanish or Portuguese. The IUE School of Foreign Languages offers Turkish courses for foreign faculty and students free of charge upon request.

III. Quality of student placement activities:

What kind of specific measures are implemented to ensure high quality in student placements? Give details on how the work-programme and the placement agreements are prepared and implemented. Please describe the practical arrangements agreed between the parties. Please specify also the onitoring and evaluation of the placement(s) period as well as its recognition in the curriculum.

In order to be able to promote placement activities as well as Erasmus exchanges during the new Lifelong Learning Program, IUE intends to get an Extended Erasmus Charter. We believe that scientific information and academic knowledge can best be improved by combining theory with practice, forming close links with the business world and determining their needs and changing demands.Gaining experience is of crucial importance for students in determining their career plans. Since IUE has been established by the Izmir Chamber of Commerce, the university has a very important advantage in forming close links with the various sectors of the business world in Izmir and the Aegean Region. We intend to use this advantage in finding internships for incoming candidates, and aim to form productive partnerships with institutions which can provide similar opportunities for our students. IUE students are already required to do internships in a related field with their majors during summer, therefore we believe that our students can benefit from the Placement Contracts that we will sign, and spend their internship periods abroad. Likewise, IUE can form a link with the business world for incoming placement students. Being the first private university in Izmir and the Aegean Region, IUE has another very important advantage over other universities. To find partners, we intend to form consortiums with civil society organizations, chambers of commerce and industry, development agencies and firms, besides asking the assistance of our Erasmus partner universities. In order to ensure high quality in student placements, we plan to devise the Placement Contracts between all parties, and define the type of work that is expected of candidates. We also plan to build a database containing the requests or announcements of the firms in Izmir which need interns, and share this information with our placement partners.