Program Description

IUE Faculty of Medicine (IUE-FOM) was established in 2014. After the completion of the foundation preparations, it accepted its first students in the 2017-2018 academic year with the approval of the Higher Education Council.
The IUE-FOM curriculum has a structure that respects human and social-environmental dimensions, prioritizing integrated and competency-based scientific approaches in line with the principles of the "National Core Education Program" (UCEP).
IUE-FOM offers a 6 (six)-year Medical Education program. The language of instruction is English. Therefore, students are required to have English proficiency before starting the program. IUE School of Foreign Languages has English education programs for basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. Foreign students are required to document their Turkish proficiency before clinical training begins.
The education program is divided into three phases: Phase 1 Pre-clinical education (Years 1-2-3), Phase 2 Clinical training (Years 4-5), Phase 3 Internship (Year 6).
In Phase 1, besides the Scientific Basis of Medicine, Clinical Basis of Medicine, and Human-Society-Planet courses, elective courses are included in the program.
In Phase 2, clinical core and elective courses are carried out in rotations of students by dividing them into groups.
In phase 3, the internship period (preparation period for being a physician) consists of core and elective education segments, which are evaluated based on the proficiency.