Program Description

Studies on infertility, which affects 15% of the population, particularly on reproductive biology, embryology and assisted reproductive techniques have become crucial with the recent technological and molecular progresses in medicine and life sciences. People who are educated and equipped with up-to-date basic information, skills and approaches on this matter are needed.

The objective of the Reproductive Biology Graduate Degree Programs with/without Thesis offered within the Graduate School of Health Sciences, is to train students from different disciplines, about current basic theoretical and practical information on regular structural, developmental and functional features of male and female reproductive systems and help them become qualified science specialists who can counsel and research about maintaining and improving reproductive health in our country and worldwide. Turn theoretical knowledge into practice and self-develop through life-long learning process. With this purpose, the program aims to improve the health of society and of individuals by assisting to find solutions for problems on matters regarding reproductive health which become more and more crucial every day.

Students of graduate programs with/without thesis will have information, skills and approaches on male and female reproductive systems with an integrated perspective of histology and embryology, anatomy, physiology, pathology, gynecology and obstetrics and urology departments.